Infinex Group – The Plastics Processing Experts – Inquisitive Minds and Decades of Expertise in Concert
The Infinex Group is made up exclusively of companies operating in the field of plastics processing. The companies operate as an inde-pendent corporate group under the direction of their owners, the Hartl family. Haiterbach in Germany’s beautiful Black Forest, the home of this second-generation entrepreneurial family, has been the location of the group’s production and R & D activities since its very beginnings. The region has enjoyed continuous prosperity even through trying economic times. This stability is reflected in the very low fluctuation rate of our employees, whose know-how and expertise are valuable factors in our “Made in Germany” success story.
The pooling of plastics technology resources in the group ensures the ability to meet ever-growing requirements of national and inter-national markets and fulfill increasingly specific customer needs. Working with an intelligent combination of human resources and machines, we help optimize logistics and production processes and accelerate production and reaction times in your operations. Utilizing synergistic effects, intuitive experience, organizational stability and wide-ranging expertise, we focus on customer needs to solve the problem at hand.
To the Infinex Group belongs the brands TRIPLEX, KIBO and ISO-DRAIN, Interplast Kunststoffe GmbH, Interplast Kunststoffe s.r.o as well as Infinex North America.